Other Services
Demoskopea, either directly or in collaboration with established professionals, also offers the following services:
Sustainability report
Strategic and Management Consulting
Coaching and Mentoring
Sustainability report
- tailored consulting
- a practical guide to managing upcoming deadlines and regulatory obligations
- assistance in establishing more sustainable business strategies and practices in order to enhance reputation and competitive positioning
- construction of market scenarios that are connected to the company’s degree of sustainability commitment
In a short term all economic actors (including micro-small and medium-sized enterprises, entities, organizations, freelancers, etc.) will be required to report through the non-financial statement. It is therefore important to explore primarily among all aspects:
- time constraints (upcoming regulatory deadlines)
- CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) principles
- the communication
- the methods for offsetting emissions
- the Sustainability Report
Implementing sustainable practices can lead to economic savings in the medium to long term and improve reputation through commitment to social and environmental responsibility.
We have provided numerous hours of training on the specific topic of market research, in collaboration with the Bicocca University of Milan and Management Training Centers; we support enterprises in enhancing the skills of their internal resources through targeted actions.
Market research | We assist companies in preparing internal resources responsible for and will be responsible for research, testing, trends, and analysis:
- Risk reduction -> making informed decisions
- Identify real opportunities -> no blind launch
- Innovation -> concrete elements to support the idea
Sustainability | We offer strategic and operational support to seize opportunities and maintain competitiveness:
- Sustainable communication
- Image profile with active and potential clients
- The sustainability report
- Check up corporate sustainability
Tutoring | Our experience and expertise in tutoring are available to companies:
- Support in learning and developing skills in market research and marketing, operational and strategic
- Training, guidance, counseling and supervision
- Individual or group sessions, online or in person support
Strategic and Management Consulting

Demoskopea Consulting is a "high operational content" management consulting company led and coordinated by established professionals with many years of experience acquired at leading multinational companies.
Areas of expertise and specialization:
- Client support for business models design, industrial plans and for drafting of strategic guidelines and policies related to innovation and product-service development activities.
- Operational support for the design of the distribution, commercial and integrated communication strategy.
- Management and implementation of the performance control processes of our partners through proprietary solutions and tools.
- Specialist focus in FMCG, Sport & Entertainment, Retail and Unconventional Media.
It is unquestionably true that Coaching is one of the most effective and targeted ways to assist individuals in learning and developing. It is a vehicle to bring the client to a different point, better, than the starting situation. It is the bridge between perceived present and desired future.
The Coach leads the process, but is the Coachee to decide the goal, partial and final, as well as the direction to take; the Coachee formulates the plan of action too.
Coaching can be individual or in group sessions.
It highlights the strengths to be focused on, the weaknesses to be improved, the skills to be acquired, the intermediate steps to be reached and the time to reach them.
It allows a great development to all the actors of a company.
The acronym C.A.R.E. @Incoaching clearly defines the goals for the client:
- Consciousness : knowing where you want to go
- Autonomy : the client is the decision maker
- Responsibility : everyone is responsible for their own actions and choices
- Eudaimonia – from the Greek Eu “good” and Daimon “the inner demon” : the ultimate goal, the search for the inner good
In the traditional view, Mentoring is the set of activities carried out by a person, as a guide, to support and help a second person in his work.
Mentoring is a training method based on the relationship between the Mentor and the Mentee (his client, often defined as a student, an inappropriate term), in order to help the Mentee to develop skills in various fields. Within the company, for example, the project will be targeted at the growth of skills in strategy, in the implementation of the business plan, in the search for financiers, in the financial balance, in marketing, in sales, etc..